Elasto Marume

Ordained Pastor, Coach, Mentor, Author, Theology Teacher, and Entrepreneur.

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What People Are Saying:

Petros Dope

International Children's Ministry Director
Harare, Zimbabwe

"I met Coach Elasto Marume at a time when I needed someone like him. I had challenges in my Leadership and Bible knowledge before I met him. It was hard to be a children's ministry worker and a leader. Elasto Marume helped me learn to believe in myself. Self-confidence was a stumbling block in my communication with workmates.

His Coaching approach and experiential skills helped me change my perception regarding my calling. Truly, this area needed transformation for my next level of leadership. Now, I am able to lead several children's ministry workers beneath me. My scriptural acquaintance has vastly improved. I am able to train others and share the gospel effectively.

I would highly recommend all that can learn under Coach Elasto Marume. I am fully convinced, that you will not remain the same. I would like to say thank you, Coach Elasto and long life."



Pastor KariKoga Magirezha

Resident Pastor


"Before working with Coach/Pastor Elasto Marume
I was struggling with Bible Knowledge and leadership strategies
He helped me work through my leadership skills and biblical application to
my leadership. Today I am a Pastor leading hundreds of people.

I would like to say at the moment, he is helping many within the area of
parenting. I highly recommend working with Coach/Pastor Elasto Marume."


Elder Simon Guzete

Entrepreneur & Mechanical Fitter
West Yorkshire, England

"I first met Elasto Marume in 1987 before I got married. He has a focused personality when it comes to goals. We became close friends because we had so many things in common. In this relationship, he was in the lead in everything. He is an outstanding teacher of scriptures who gives good spiritual guidance. He also taught me to believe in God for success. He usually said, “Everything started with God, therefore, believe that you can make it.” In that way, he inspired me to be an entrepreneur. He never believed in failure. I have confidence that Pastor Elasto will help many people following a vision for this ministry."